Fatty Liver Vision by Mosaic Art.

"Hands on the liver".

Liver - Centrum of human body.


Artistic / computer generated interpretation of gamma-catenin (green) compensation
for conditionally deleted beta-catenin (red) at adherens junctions.


Artistic / computer generated interpretation of gamma-catenin (green) compensation
for conditionally deleted beta-catenin (red) at adherens junctions.


Artistic / computer generated interpretation of desmoglein 2 (red) &
gamma-catenin (green) at the desmosomes in the liver.


The liver is made of tac: HCC e cystis.


Creative rappresentation of a liver with cells in the background.


The liver is made of three basic colors and the graphics rappresent the interaction
that the liver has with the body.


From the Cells to the Tissue.


Histology and Anatomy of the Liver.


From the Organelles to the Tissue.


Clockwork Purple - Cell, Lobule, and Organ.


Clockwork Purple.


Sirius red on cirrhotic liver.




Zoom of the liver in the Da Vinci's draw on the liver and the network of hepatic
blood vessels (circa 1508).


Three hepatic lobules and their vascular architecture.


Flow of spirit and blood in the liver is expressed by japanese calligraphy.


Liver as organ of thousands vessels.


Aerial view of the liver lobule and portal triad.


Impression of Tityus - Microart based on Michelangelo Buonarroti's Tityus
(Prussian Blue, Masson trichrome and haematoxylin-eosin on pixels)


Invasion of the liver by HCV and replication of new HCV virions.


Johannes Scultetus (1595–1645) Urologic Aspects in the ‘Armamentarium
chirurgicum’ Dirk Schultheiss, Udo Jonas Department of Urology,
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany