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large, recent or old, macroscopically visible were present in 13 cases, only microscopic
          in another one, absent in 1 case. In 13 cases, the tumors (T) had the same aspect: non
          encapsulated, well differentiated proliferation, composed of clear often hypereosinophilic
          packed hepatocytes, well vascularized by numerous arteries and veins, without noticeable
          inflammation, ductular reaction, or steatosis. In 2 cases there were criteria of malignant
          transformation:  one  classified  as  borderline  HCA  and  another  one  with  several  HCC
          foci.  ASS1 was overexpressed in T compared to NT. In T, staining was diffusely or
          heterogeneously distributed with a various intensity, whereas in NT, ASS1 was expressed
          only in periportal and septal zones. In all other HCA subtypes and FNH, ASS1 expression
          was downregulated (from absent to small patchy areas) compared to NT.

          Conclusions:  ASS1 immunostaining allows the classification of UHCA previously
          defined by default (7 % of HCA), an HCA subgroup observed in women and with a
          high risk of hemorrhage. ASS1 staining needs to be evaluated on liver biopsy to test its
          relevance for patient management.

          Disclosure of Interest: None Declared


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